Have you ever had an encounter with a thief breaking into your home? If not how many times have you read about their sudden attacks in newspapers and TV? Scary, right? Don’t want it to happen to you. Well, got some bad news for yah all... it already has.

Oh, yes, you heard me right; they come into your life as innocent as a Vogue magazine, or a TV show and they steal your soul. Only you don’t realize it until it is way too late. One day you wake up and go through: ‘I feel so tired’, or ‘I am no good’, or ‘Why does he or she hate me so? or worse of all, ‘America is bad, I can’t believe I live here!’ Well when this happens it is a damn good sign you have been struck by the thief in the night.
I grew up with so many thieves unaware, I thought it was all me. Why does the media do this? Mind control, my friends, the Marxists call it Psyhcopolitics. It is their way to take over a country without bombs. How else can you explain the actions of the murderers of the spirit?
They have good reasons in their hearts; these are thieves that work on people’s minds for a specific reason. They need you to do their bidding, like voting for a certain person whom caries their agenda, or making sure everyone in America has a lousy HDTV, or breaking the spirit of boys so they never become men, thus, no Army! They do all this and so much more while you believe they are spotless humans whom do no wrong.
Think of “The View”. The best classic example of a bogus mind altering TV show. They throw in a token Conservative girl who was a host on a cable beauty show and make her look like the daily fool. Of course, she is not, but she is a novelty, she is weak. They want you to see her as weak. Think of it, all Conservatives are weak!!! All liberals are strong!... and let’s tell another scary nightmare bedtime story.
If these people were real they would have an Ann Coulter or a Michelle Malkin on the panel, someone who can fight as good as they can. Or anyone, for that matter, with the brains and the heart to take the panel of four liberals to one Conservative to task.
But this is what a thief in the night does; they steal. My friends, every time you allow them to enter your home via your ‘soon to be replaced by a new edition’ HDTV they steal from you.
They seal you soul, your heart, your children, your money. Believe me, you can be killed with evil words and evil images.
That stupid song we used to sing when we were young. ‘Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ How untrue that statement is. Almost everyone I know has a dysfunction due to words that were shoved down their throats like rocks. Hook up with the abuser on TV, Madison Ave or Hollywood; the slick ones with all intellect and no wisdom and you are done in.
So how do you STOP the thief in the night from stealing a large part of your life from you? Aah, this is where it gets tough. You can be a victim at any time if your guard is down. What does this mean and how can I keep myself protected you think?
First you must use something we all posses but are not taught to use from grade school up; wisdom. When you listen and watch or read, engage with the box or words in your home, do not jump. I repeat, do not jump into the flame. Watch, wait and listen, think and think again. All the road signs are there if you take the time to really hear and see what this person says and how this person acts. Look up the ramifications of their actions, like larger taxes, no army, social health care, the fairness doctrine, hate laws, etc. All these are designed, DESIGNED to take your freedom away!
So the next time you open a fashion magazine and read the headline of some famous actress who has done nothing in her life except learn how to read lines and put fake tears in her eyes without messing up her makeup, telling you who to vote for… run, RUN from that page. Just look at the clothes, don’t even read a word.
When you see the full page adds for “kids for peace”, rip it out. I am not kidding, rip it out, make a ball of it and throw it in your trash. Why? Because, as we teach our kids to worship the peace symbol, the Islamists, and Fascists and Marxists are laughing at us fools. Get it, they are laughing as it is a matter of a few years that they can take over our country and close down those back ass magazines, and put the people in jail who don’t do as they say. They will steal your possessions and homes for real and divide it up for the masses. And then the hippies for “peace” will wail and cry, for what the hell will they do without their HDTV’s? FIN

(The Photo of Reverend Al Gore by Giovanni Calia http://www.flickr.com/photos/estragon_flickr/ )