Sometimes I wonder about Clint Eastwood. The same sort of thing I used to wonder about Woody Allen. Whether, or not, each of them hasn’t perhaps used their cache as filmmakers … to troll - for babes. And, more to the point - are they both still? Yah, sure they’re both directors. And directors need actresses for their films. They both also are and have been before they became directors - actors. With reputations for liking the ladies.
Used to notice how often Woody seemed to surround himself, when he was directing one of his movies, and / or starring in it as well, with this or that current cute young thing of the moment (at the present time, think Scarlett Johansson). In MANHATTAN, for instance, it was Mariel
Hemingway who he was quoted as announcing to the world in a newspaper article as “the most beautiful girl the world has yet seen.” I also remember him writing a line for himself to say in the film to her character: “Get that filthy look off your face.” Which had to do with the way she had looked at him in a moment of the film. Indicating that when she saw Woody she was completely overpowered by lust - FOR WOODY! My response to that moment was “Yah, right! In your dreams, Woodman!” But when you are the producer, writer, star and director - and you’re loved by the critics, you can manipulate moments like that and get away with the façade that its true. Even if you look like Woody Allen. And if you don’t look like Woody Allen, but you look like Warren Beatty instead, and you are the producer, writer, and star of a movie called SHAMPOO at a pivotal moment in the film you can have an academy award winning actress like Julie Christie say the line to you around a dinner table filled with people “I want to suck your cock!”
Kinda wondered about MILLION DOLLAR BABY - whether something may have been up or not between Clint and Hilary Swank. Remembered how when she won the Academy Award for BOYS DON’T CRY, in her acceptance speech, she thanked everyone she could possibly think of - and totally forgot to mention her husband(Chad Lowe).
I remember thinking “How long will these two last?” And the answer apparently turned out to be - as long as it took Clint to come riding in on his charger, and to direct her( and whatever else) to another Academy Award.
It was shortly after that, that she and her husband divorced. The husband is also an actor, and kind of a laid back type. Sort of like, Brad Pitt. Whose main squeeze, St. Angelina, is starring in a film that has recently been produced and directed by guess who? Clint Eastwood.
I guess Ms. Lips Galore is ok as an actor. But, let’s face it she’s a star because of what she looks like. Like Brad Pitt.
I suppose Clint Eastwood may have some sense of whether or not an actor possesses a measure of talent. I’m not a hundred percent sure of that, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. What I am very sure about is that he does (still) have an eye for the ladies, and what a great way for him to co-mingle with whomever suits his fancy by offering them a role in one of his films. Also, what a great way to do whatever the hell he pleases, in front of the world so to speak - and get away with it any damn time he feels like it.
I remember hearing of endless so-called casting sessions being conducted by Warren Beatty for projects that never materialized. Who was always on the lookout for the next cute thing. In fact, I remember reading an interview on Woody Allen in which he was quoted as saying that if there was such a thing as reincarnation he hoped he would be coming back as “Warren Beatty’s fingertips.” A reference not to Mr. Beatty’s skills as a filmmaker, but rather to his success - trolling for babes. In fact, when Mr. Beatty co-opted Mr. Allen’s leading lady, Diane Keaton right from under Mr. Allen’s nose and put her into his personal life and his own films (REDS), he then had to suffer Mr. Allen’s wrath in the form of the movie Woody made about Mr. Beatty called “Zelig.” ( 1983: A “Documentary about a man who can look and act like whoever he’s around, and meets various, famous people.”)
WHEW! To make a film that is a thinly disguised put-down of a guy who steals your girlfriend in real life. How trite can you get? And the really interesting thing was how all the critics that praised the film were completely unaware of why it was made in the first place, and what it was really about - which was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! But a primadonna’s bruised ego. People like these icons, or as they’re called today, legends - do get older, but the game they play remains the same: trolling for babes.
WOW! To have all that power, all that position and influence - and to use it simply to get laid. Makes me wonder like I said at the very beginning - what else could it be used for???? Unless, of course you’re not doing whatever it is you’re doing to get laid, and instead are using your position to make a difference - to serve, to inspire, to elevate - to enlighten. And, I guess the only one to whom it matters, is you and I, the viewer, who pays for his or her ticket, and sits in a darkened theatre - and looks up at that screen. On some level we, you and I are the only ones who KNOW whether, or not, up there on that screen there is or is not - SUBSTANCE.
Seen any GOOD films, lately???
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