by Yervand Kochar

The recent Turkish movie "Valley of the Wolves: Iraq" is, yet, another worthy picture in the collection of the Deranged Mind Gallery.
The Washington Time reports that,"Valley of the Wolves" is not the work of independents or amateurs. With a budget of $10 million, it's the biggest-spending Turkish film in history. The international cast includes Hollywood actor Billy Zane of "Titanic."
Within three days of its release, the movie had been seen by 1.2 million people, a 40 percent increase on the previous viewing record. At a gala performance earlier this month, the actors rubbed shoulders with Turkey's elite.
"I feel so proud of them all," said Emine Erdogan, wife of the prime minister, comfortably ensconced in a seat next to the actor playing Alemdar."
The movie opens with a real-life incident: the arrest in July 2003 of Turkish special forces in Sulaymaniyah, northern Iraq. The soldiers were led out of their headquarters at gunpoint, with hoods over their heads. America later apologized, but it appears the offence ran deep. At the time Turkey took the incident as national humiliation. In this film the fictional hero sets out for revenge.
It depicts Americans as bloodthirsty villains who massacre civilians at the wedding (wasn't that Muslims in Jordan who did that?), kill innocent Iraqis for the sport of it and occasionally blow up a friendly neighborhood mosque during evening prayer. There are multiple summary executions. And for the first time, the real-life abuses by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison are played out on the big screen, (most likely, a product placement for ACLU.)
Then there is naturally a Jewish doctor, (you knew that was coming) who sells organs of killed Iraqis to clients in New York, Tel-Aviv and London (the Western axis of evil).
The movie is a box office success all over Europe, especially in Germany, which has a huge Turkish-immigrant population. The Muslims all over Europe are inspired by the message of the movie. Not “Wizard of Oz kind of” inspired but quote "If I see an American when I get out of here I feel like taking a hood and putting it over their head" inspired.
The outraged Turks and Muslims come out of the theatres with tears in their eyes looking for an American tourist to behead. This should be some movie, ha? It is really in touch with people’s feelings and their everyday life. Certainly George Clooney can learn a lot from his Turkish colleagues.
At the end of the movie an outraged and righteous Turkish hero (note: righteous Turkish hero cannot be translated into Greek) eventually sticks a dagger into a heart of an American GI. As rightly calculated, in Berlin, this scene resonated with disenfranchised Turkish-immigrant audience, which at that moment cheerfully exploded in applauds while shouting, “Allah is Great!”(or as the Greek say, "Give me a break".)
The Turkish producers are pushing this “new cinematic triumph” off to America to the theatre near you. So, if you tired of movies written by gay writers about gay cowboys getting into accidents with transsexual terrorists in Munich, there finally comes a breath of fresh air- a movie about how bad American GI's are and that Iraq is the new Vietnam.
I am sure everyone in America is eager to see this movie, except, perhaps, for Michael Moore and Oliver Stone. This piece of work is going to put them out of business. This is sad, indeed, because then the Jewish doctor must replace Michael Moore's shrinking stomach with an Iraqi one, and that, unfortunately, will require half-the city of Karbalah executed.
I should say though that this Turkish film should not be stopped, after all everyone is entitled to his or her mental syphilis. We here in America, especially, have no right to stop this film from destroying more Muslims minds. Remember, that it was our brave and outspoken American political filmmakers who inspired them to challenge the authority. The Turks simply followed. They are challenging the authority...the American authority (not thier own, of course.)
Even in its agony, Hollywood continues to inspire half intellectual filmmakers all over the world. It sets the tone. It is the endless America-bashing and vilification that creates these ugly film entities in other parts of the world. These weapons, which are used against us, are animated in the labs of Hollywood drawn with pencils of hate on boards of lies. The Turkish franchise is simply a secure investment in the devaluating market of confused images, a market that used to be a beautiful temple.
My fellow Americans, citizens of the most guilty country in the world, we should be ashamed for the examples we are setting for countries like Turkey which massacred one million and a half Armenians within two weeks in 1915.
By trying to protect ourselves from people who beat up a flag with a stick over a cartoon, we make the Turks angry, and we should not, because the last time they got angry they systematically wiped off their entire non-Muslim population. (If there are no Armenians around, ask a Christian Greek for facts, he's got a lot, keep your children’s ears closed, though.)

After a screening of the movie in Germany, an inspired 18-year-old Turk told a reporter that,
"America is evil (the Muslim standard). Look what they did to Native Americans and people in Vietnam, and now in Iraq."
I wish there was someone to remind the young Turkish boy about the whole generation of Armenian orphans who grew up in the slums of Marseilles with images of their mothers raped and sisters thrown off the cliff by drunken Turkish soldiers shouting, "Fly, infidels, fly".

I hope so, but I am afraid that by the time the boy enters his prime and chooses a subject for his first movie, there will be a whole herd of USC and UCLA film school graduates creating enough generic marxist garbage to clog the poor young Turks pipe to the truth of his own history.
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